Keynote Speaker

Jesse de Jesus de Pinho Pinhal is seen giving a speech on the 30th of October 2021 at the hybrid business conference 'Concrete Love' in Lisbon.
  • AI expert and philosopher of technology

  • Founded two tech startups in AI

  • Researcher in AI ethics and epistemology

Vintage books neatly arranged on a wooden shelf.
Portrait of Jesse de Jesus de Pinho Pinhal.


Jesse de Jesus de Pinho Pinhal, Dipl.-Ing. and MBA, is a philosopher of technology, ex-Tech startup co-founder and technologist. They are currently an academic researcher in AI ethics and society, a Berlin Brain Ambassador and a member of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Jesse explores the future of knowledge and democracy in the post-truth era. They have served as an expert speaker at the events of Knowledge Exchange Sessions, The House of Beautiful Business, Futurehain, Froots, and the ESE Kongress, as well as for other corporations, universities and non-profits. Their thoughts on the direction of AI research have recently been featured in the Journal of Beautiful Business, the Cost of Convenience magazine, and elsewhere.

Jesse co-founded two AI startups and co-won the Hannover Re innovation competition. Jesse served as a Research and Teaching Associate at Berlin Technical University; an entrepreneur in residence at a venture capital firm; a tech journalist at Groupe 01; and a software engineer at Amadeus.

Jesse was formerly a research visitor at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge. Jesse is currently based in Berlin.

Clarote & AI4Media / Better Images of AI / Power/Profit / CC-BY 4.0
  • Can and should philosophy shape technology? The answer is an emphatic yes. Indeed, there exists an entire discipline devoted to precisely this endeavour: Philosophy of Technology and Engineering. In this presentation, I acquaint the audience with this field using tangible illustrations from the industry, offering practical insights for engineers and their managers.

  • Why do biases such as sexism and racism permeate Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms? As AI becomes ubiquitous in decision-making processes, it is vital for organisations and policymakers to grasp the roots of bias and explore solutions with discernment. Through an intersectional lens, we undertake a critical examination of these challenges, paving the path towards a future driven by inclusivity and equity.

  • Welcome to a world where truth is ensnared in a web of deception, and facts seem to elude us, while media outlets are no longer the dependable guides they once were. In this labyrinth of misinformation, navigating through the tangled threads of conspiracy theories has become a Herculean task. From the mysterious twists of QAnon to the perplexing tales of the Pizzagate saga and the bewildering myths surrounding vaccines, the internet and generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) have unleashed the Pandora's box of fake news and hoaxes, weaving a complex tapestry of deceit on a global scale. How do we untangle this web of falsehoods, find our way out of this intricate maze of falsehoods, and rediscover the path to truth? In this journey to decipher the real from the unreal, philosophical insights offer a powerful epistemic compass.

  • How can we ensure that our technological advancements remain in harmony with our ethical principles? And whose moral values should guide our progress?

    Philosophers of technology have devised various practical frameworks to tackle these thorny dilemmas, including Value Sensitive Design (VSD), Technological Assessment (TA), Virtue Ethics approach to technology design, and Values-based innovation. These theoretically grounded approaches to design provide practical pathways for integrating ethics into innovation processes.

    During this engaging presentation, we explore the core principles of these methodologies, providing concrete illustrations of their application. My aim is not only to raise awareness but also to inspire adoption within your organisation. By embracing these frameworks, we can innovate responsibly while upholding ethical standards.

